About Us

PAC Music Academy History

I started PAC Music Studio in 2020 to bring the recording studio to the musician’s home, where I leveraged the remote recording and production capabilities of Cubase. My aim was to make professional recording and music production services available to musicians of all backgrounds with a dream, where location and cost was not prohibitive. In 2022 I started PAC Music Academy with the same intent; to bring quality music education to the musician’s home where location and costs are not keeping anyone from pursuing their passions in music.

It is my goal that you complete these courses not only a more knowledgeable and capable musician, but that you come away more intuitive and above all, inspired. Weather you take a course on your own or sign up for private lessons and tutoring, I look forward to hearing your work and helping you along your adventure to becoming the musician you want to be. 

Listen to a piece from Bradford Eide. You too can write like this.

What We Do?

Bradford Eide is a graduate of Berklee College of Music with a masters in music composition, theory, and music production. It is this world-class training he brings to each written lesson and live class. 
The flagship composition course is a two year program designed specifically for high school students, though anyone is welcome, who want to pursue music as a profession. This course will give a huge jump start to university applications and you will be well equipped to excel at the college level. By the end of the program you will have the equivalent of an undergraduate degree in theory education. 

Beginning and advanced theory courses are also available for those who do not wish to write, but to deeply understand the inner workings of music. 

Frequently Asked Questions

No, you don’t! Most musicians do indeed already know some theory before taking any courses here. However, all courses are written from the ground up and build upon the concepts that came before. So you may run into some concepts that you are unfamiliar with that were covered in detail in a preceding lesson. 
The best thing to do is look at the syllabus of the offered courses and start with the course that contains topics you don’t know or know you need more explaining. 

Yes you can! If you want to learn along side your student so you can help them study during the week, are not only welcome to, but encouraged! Assignments, quizzes, and discussions should be complete by the student however.  

No you do not! You DO however need to lets us know during registration that there will be more than one student attending on your subscription so we can get them set up.  

You can! If you want to switch from Begining Music Theory II to composition, for example, you may. Please contact FrontDesk@PACmusicAcademy.com and let them know your intentions. We will review your current progress and suggest where in the course new course you should begin. 

Live classes are currently held through Discord. Because we teach a variety of students, many of which are minors, its the best way right now to monitor all communication and keep everyone safe.
Homeschool groups, for instances, are grouped together by class and can only see rooms and chat channels assigned to them. No one else will be able to enter these channels. 
Additionally, Discord allows us all to post questions throughout the week and respond to group discussions without outside interference. 

In most cases, no. Most courses are offered on a subscription basis so all you need do is cancel your subscription. In cases where refunds are appropriate, you will likely already have been contacted about a pending refund. For special circumstances and clarification, email FrontDesk@PACmusicAcademy.com

PAC Music Academy Staff

Bradford Eide

Bradford Eide

Course author and instructor
Linda Alley

Linda Alley

Education Specialist

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